Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Addiction for Mermaids

Oh beloved,
I lay naked under the sea
contently kelp-anchored
and serene.

Oh beloved,
you call on each and every wave
frothy and young,

in the wind of my memory.

I swim once a year for a season
wearing rust and red
on my silver breasts,
my tail flashing like teeth.

Oh beloved,
you throw lines hopeful
to entice a fight,
one glimpse

of my rare back
in the morning as the sun
heaves into town.

Oh beloved,
will you drift in a red or green boat
all day, sitting or standing,
murmuring prayers

you won't allow
any others to hear?
I hear the bass notes

as they fall like small black stones,
and vibrating into my bedroom.

I am not hungry
you understand,
I do not seek you

and only if you chance
the right place,
perfect time

with a hoax
of color and feather
it dawns on me

to bite.

c2009 Flood Water Press

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